Ninpo Tai-Jutsu, sometimes referred to as Ninjutsu, is a Traditional Japanese Martial Art founded in the ways of the Samurai and Ninja. Tai-Jutsu is considered an original mixed martial art comprised with elements of Ju-Jutsu (grappling, unbalancing, throwing and joint manipulation), Daken Jutsu (blocking and striking), and traditional Japanese weaponry (katana, staff, spear, shuriken, etc.).
Known as the “Grand Mother Art” of Karate, Judo and Aikido, Tai-Jutsu techniques survived the battlefields of feudal Japan and have been passed on for centuries from master to student.
The Art is based on natural body movement emphasizing balance and awareness. It is not dependent on strength, size or gender. Through the study of Tai-Jutsu, students learn to handle tough situations in a non-aggressive, non-competitive Dojo setting. Studio City Martial Arts has been instructing students since 1999 and is proud to continue the tradition of the Ninja in Los Angeles.
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